As a logical addition to our comprehensive power systems services portfolio, we made an expansion with the service of turnkey solar solutions.
Partnering with one of the world's largest manufacturers of solar solutions - GoodWe, allowed us to expand our knowledge and skills in designing power systems and in parallel continue cooperation with the world's top-level equipment suppliers.
We have established a completely new cross-functional Solar team, and tackled the in-house development of a CRM application, serving both the b2b and b2c segments in a completely innovative approach.
The timing was perfect to present the Solar Project to our peers, at the 14th Days of Electrical Engineers.
14th Days of Electrical Engineers
Starting September 29th to October 1st, the 14th Days of Electrical Engineers (DIE) took place at the Olympia Hotel in Vodice, organized by the Croatian Chamber of Electrical Engineers.
This is so far the largest annual meeting of electrotechnical professionals in Croatia.
Numerous experts in the engineering profession gather, exchange experiences, learn, and network, discussing various topics of interest to the Croatian professional public.

Duplico Solar booth
Due to the world transitioning to a green, sustainable energy, the demand for quality solar power plants in Croatia is high.
Tight cooperation between a set of specialists working together to design and complete one solar project, topped with premium equipment and warranty periods is crucial to achieving premium project and workflow results.
Our booth created great interest with solar system designers, installers, and conference attendees looking for a quality solar system supplier and a partner for solar projects.
We have presented the features of the Duplico Solar application, used as a central hub for customer offers, project tracking, solar equipment pricing, technical information, and project management for all our partner networks.
For the first time in Croatia, we introduced a complete range of solar solutions from our partner GoodWe, a renowned world manufacturer, that grew great interest. We have attained quality connections to nurture through partnership and are already started preparations for the following event.
It takes a couple of minutes for you to calculate the expense of your solar project. Try it out here.