Demonstration activities for advanced servo drive automation
The company Duplico d.o.o. has, in cooperation with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing Zagreb as a partner, started the implementation of the project ˝Demonstration activities for advanced automation of servo drives˝, ref. marks KK. as part of the Invitation "Innovation vouchers for SMEs.
The total value of the project is HRK 132,500.00
The total acceptable costs of the project are HRK 106,000.00, and the amount of approved grants is HRK 74,200.00.
The project implementation period is from November 9, 2021. until 18.01.2022.
The project is aimed at the implementation of demonstration workshops and lectures on the topic of servo drive automation using the most advanced programming tools and technologies.
The main goal of the project is to raise the level of technical readiness of employees of Duplico d.o.o., improve knowledge and competence, increase the quality of services and products that Duplico offers to customers, and expand the portfolio of services to the creation of systems for automated control of servo drives.
As part of the project, the following activity was carried out:
1. Demonstration of the servo drive automation system through an educational workshop
In addition to the above, the applicant also carried out the following supporting activities:
1. Project management and administration
2. Promotion and visibility.
The described activities made it possible to achieve the following project results:
1. Improving the applicant's knowledge and competencies, increasing the quality of services and products that the applicant offers to customers and expanding the portfolio of services to include the creation of systems for the automated management of servo drives.
2. Implementation of the project in full compliance with the provisions of the Grant Agreement
3. Ensured promotion and visibility of the project under the provisions of the Agreement and its annexes.
Request more detailed information about the project via e-mail at