Sustainability as a key factor

Sustainability has become a key factor in almost every aspect of daily life. So-called “zero-energy” buildings open up new possibilities to minimize our ecological footprint – and save a considerable amount of money.

Since its founding, Duplico has been at the forefront of energy innovation - providing the residential market with low-energy net zero heating (without the use of gas) and renewable energy solutions designated for new construction and energy renovation of residential buildings.

We offer cost-effective solutions necessary for a sustainable green housing model for both new constructions and the renovation of existing buildings. Reducing energy consumption, minimizing current maintenance costs, and achieving a quick return on investment are key factors and indicators of all of our projects.

Undergoing construction of a new building or energy renovation of an existing one? Duplico has a solution.

Regardless of whether you are building a new house, building, production facility or want to refresh the existing condition, our experts can help you.

Our low-energy housing solutions are applicable to new houses and buildings currently being built, production facilities, and existing facilities that need the upgrade of a current energetic condition. The process and its implementation are simple. 

By installing heat pumps in accordance with project specific requirements and photovoltaic panels with advanced inverters and energy storage (batteries), we ensure low energy consumption and net zero (carbon zero) emissions

How can we help improve your energy efficiency?

Leveraging the two different sources of renewable energy in a combined system upgrades the optimal energy management approach. By combining multiple solutions, one can enjoy a multitude of benefits. Solar panels combined with heat pumps can provide significant savings over traditional heating/cooling systems due to their low running cost. 

Both of the devices harness renewable energy; making them a perfect return of investment choice while being eco-friendly for those concerned about the environmental impact.

Let's talk.

With an in-depth understanding of the solar market complexity and the availability of a wide range of products, we aim to offer quality and reliability through a careful selection of suppliers and partners for complementary components and devices. Our goal is to provide premium solutions and a quick return on investment to a wide variety of prospective customers. Contact us for more information and let's start cooperation today.